PosterSpy Alternative Movie Poster
€30.00 / Sold Out
Way before the advent of social networks, the first, and sometimes only, visual contact you may have had with a movie was its poster. To return to this enlightened approach and escape the hard selling, marketing campaigns of today’s releases, this book pays tribute to the artists who celebrate the era when cinematographic posters made us dream. Presented by ARTtitude, this collaboration features the contemporary work of 58 different artists from the PosterSpy art community, one of the most influential groups devoted to alternative posters. The nearly 300 posters presented here cover a diverse range of genres and eras, from pop culture favorites like Star Wars and Goonies to the Wes Andersen filmography to horror and sci-fi classics. Each piece reveals intensely creative and detailed representations of films that ask the viewer to see the film in a new way and challenges the visual package included with the original release.
Adam cockerton, Adam mcdaniel, Andrew Swainson, Andy Fairhurst, Arden Avett, Ben Turner, Chris Garofalo, CranioDsgn, Daniel Nash, Daniel Norris, Dave Stafford, Derek Eads, Doaly, Dres13, Edgar Ascensao, Felix Tindall, Freya Betts, Giuseppe Balestra, Harlan Elam, Ignacio RC, Javier Vera Lainez, Jeremy Wheeler, John Aslarona, John Keaveney, Josh Campbell, Joshua Kelly, Kevin Tiernan, Ladislas, Laura Racero, Liam Brazier, Liza Shumskaya, Luke Butland, Mainger, Maria Suarez-Inclan, Matt Griffin, Matt Needle, Matt Talbot, Michael Friebe, Mike Gambriel, Mobokeh, Neil Davies, Peter Strain, Rafal Rola, Rich Davies, Robert Lockley, Salvador Anguiano, Sam Gilbey, Scott Saslow, SG Posters, Simon Carpenter, Simon Caruso, Simon Delart, Steven Key, The Dark Inker, Studio Murugiah, Tom Fournier, Tsuchinoko, Viktor Hertz.
Out of stock here but still available through our US publisher :
Author: Frédéric Claquin & Jack Woodhams
242 pages, hardcover
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing
ISBN: 978-07-64354-75-5
Release date: March 2018
Prix Public: 34,99$